Hey guys! Now, I don't usually post about anything other than beauty and stuff on this blog but sometimes I think it's nice to share with you other things that I'm interested in that may not necessarily fit into the usual categories that I write about here.

As a Media student, I produce a whole lot of work from photography to TV productions and I'd like to start sharing with you some of it because I'm really proud of my work and the progress I've made! I also feel like you get to kind of know me a little bit better too so I hope you like these posts! In this post i thought i'd share with you my most recent photography work.

The theme of this project was interpreting the work of other photographers and using this to shape our own signature styles. I selected David Loftus as my chosen photographer - he is primarily a food photographer who is probably most notable for his work with Jamie Oliver. I selected the theme of 'sweet treats' for my subject matter and overall, I'm really pleased with my photos. Now, let's hope my lecturer is too, eh?
I'd love to know what you think of my work so please do comment if you like, feedback is valuable to me!
As always, thanks for reading :)
Some great pictures, they all made me very hungry haha!
I nominated you for the Liebster Award for blogs with under 200 followers! Find out more at http://peachesandteas.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/liebster-award-get-to-know-me.html#more xx