

Skin Focus | Liz Earle

Skincare. It has become perhaps the most important part of my beauty regime in the last few years due to the ever increasing frustration of having sensitive skin. 
A few months a go, I discovered the brand Liz Earle - I'd known of the brand before but had always been suspicious of trying it in fear that it would negatively affect my skin. However, upon being given some information on the brand, I actually learnt that it was originally formed specifically for people with sensitive skin and this instantly grabbed me! So, today I'm going to talk to you about two products from them that my skin and I are really enjoying at the moment!

The first product I bought from Liz Earle after finally deciding to give it a try, was their infamous Cleanse and Polish hot cloth cleanser. The way you use it is simple; apply the product all over dry skin and wipe it away with a hot, damp muslin cloth. I love cream cleansers because for me, they are simply the best in removing makeup in one step rather than having to use a million products to do so. As well as this, with the aid of the muslin cloth, I feel as if you get a very gentle exfoliation each time without irritating the skin.

Cleanse and Polish as Liz Earle state, is made for all skin types for gentle cleansing of the skin. It's made with natural ingredients such as eucalyptus and cocoa butter - I love the effect of the eucalyptus in particular as it gives the skin a lovely cooling feeling which is really soothing. Unlike some cleansers, this doesn't dry out my skin nor leave it feeling sore and tight. Instead, it really moisturises my skin and leaves it feeling very well cleansed of any grime or sebum. I'm on my second bottle of this stuff and I think it's going to be a skincare staple for me for a long time!

After the success of Cleanse and Polish in my skincare routine, I decided I wanted to try something else from Liz Earle as well. Seeing as I had tried a cleansing product, I thought I'd try a toner to see if I could find anything to match my beloved Garnier Micellar Water. So, I picked up their Instant Boost Skin Tonic. Having tried this for a few weeks now, I definitely can say that I like it. It contains ingredients such as cucumber, aloe vera and vitamin e which really help once again to soothe and cool my skin which can often be red and aggravated. Warning however: your skin may sting a little if you're having a particularly bad skin day but this is nothing to worry about. My skin feels refreshed and really clean whilst again not feeling dried out. I love using this in the morning to wake up my tired skin and I think it's helping to brighten it up on those dull days too.

Overall, I'm really impressed by the Liz Earle products I've tried thus far and I'm really pleased to have found another brand that agrees with my high maintenance skin!

Have you ever tried Liz Earle products?

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