

Summer Fruits Smoothie Recipe

Hello! Today on my blog I thought I'd write about something a little bit different. I've been really enjoying eating more fruit recently and I've been making my own smoothies as well. In this post, I want to share a really simple recipe for a delicious fruit smoothie that I've been enjoying in particular. There are two variations of this smoothie will only one extra added ingredient which will make it more filling and therefore appropriate for breakfast in the morning. Let's get started!

You'll need:

  • 450g Summer Fruits (Strawberries, cranberries, cherries, blueberries etc!)
  • 500g of Strawberry / Raspberry or Vanilla Yoghurt (Personally, I love using raspberry)
  • 100ml of Milk
  • 2 Spoons (or to taste) of Honey
  • 25g of Porridge Oats (Optional, this will make the smoothie more filling)

To make, simply whiz all of these ingredients into a blender or smoothie maker and pour! That's really all there is to it and you will have yourself a healthy, delicious smoothie. I've only ever kept mine for around a day or two and I know that the smoothie stays absolutely fine within that period. I would suggest making it with the intention of drinking it sooner rather than later though as it does tend to thicken! This recipe will make you around 2-3 servings so feel free to change it depending on how much you desire.

I'd really recommend you give this smoothie a go and there tons of variations you can play around with if you fancy something a little different. Either way though, it's a really nice healthy drink and one that literally takes a few minutes to make. 

Let me know if you try this recipe and what you think of it! Also, if you have any similar recipes you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them!

Thank you for reading. 

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