

#FOTD | Purple Cat Flick

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good week so far. Currently I am adjusting to life with short nails as I let them re-grow. It's safe to say I didn't think I'd have to re-learn how to do things like type on keyboards, yet here I am struggling to type up a blog post and put a basic sentence together... thank the Gods for spellcheck!

Anyway, today I'm going to share with you a face of the day post - one I haven't done in a while but as a I take certain selfies of my daily makeup looks, I thought I'd start to include them on my blog a little more. This post is of a look I did last week for work and it features and awesome purple cat eye liner which I have fallen in love with. Using a standard liquid liner, I created my favourite look that is the cat flick and the purple I feel really added something a little bit special to it. With my blue eye colour, I really found it to make my eyes "pop" in a way different from the standard black liner. 


Beauty Best Of | Rimmel

Being quite the makeup junkie, I have naturally accrued and tried several products in my time. I have also tried several brands and my avid makeup obsession has allowed me to be quite familiar with certain brands and what they have to offer. With that in mind, I thought it would be good to create a series focusing on a brand and showing what I believe to be some of their best products. I'm also considering maybe creating another series in which I also share a brands worst products - let me know if you'd be interested in seeing that!

So, today I'll be focusing on the best of Rimmel - a hugely popular, British company founded back in 1883. With famous faces such as Kate Moss promoting them, the brand sells their cosmetics in well known British stores such as Boots and Superdrug. The brand also sell their products internationally in countries such as the USA, Spain and Canada with prices ranging generally from about £3-8.


I Graduated.

"Times flies when you're having fun."
It's a saying we often take for granted whilst busy enjoying the most precious moments of our life and  one that we soon realise the truth of once those moments have come to an end. Whilst my University experience wasn't exactly always one that could be solely described as "fun", it was definitely one of the most enjoyable and rewarding - albeit challenging - times of my life.

Gotta use what you can to make sure you're lookin' good!
The not-so-little brother & I.
To say that those times are now over is a surreal feeling but one that brings with it feelings of hope and excitement for the chapters ahead. I am a stronger, more developed individual due to my time at Birmingham City University. I have made lifetime friends and memories to cherish. I have pushed myself, developed myself and most importantly, learnt about myself.

Obligatory cap throw!

And so with this ending comes a new beginning. A new page and with it new stories to be told. Here's to the future, to new experiences and to even more lessons learned.


Birthday Haul

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well, I swear I'll actually get into a consistent swing of blogging at some point..

My birthday was last week and in this post I thought I'd share wth you a few of the awesome presents I received from family and loved ones. I'm a nosey person at heart and so hauls of any kind are posts that I personally love to read - enjoy! I love perfume and so any kind of gift giving scenario concerning me usually involves a fragrance.. or two!

 Gwen Stefani's range of perfumes are called "Harajuku Lovers" and they were fragrances that I was pretty obsessed with a few years a go. I decided that for my birthday I wanted to get one of my favourite scents from the collection; "Love".

I just love the designs of these perfumes too!

Beauty Bay

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