

Friday Feelings | Conformity and Following Your Own Path

In one way or another, we have all been and will at at least one point in our lives, be victims of conformity. Whether that be down to fear, pressure or the confusion of not really knowing who you are. For much of my teenage years, I in many ways conformed. Whilst I wasn't doing half the things the kids my age were at the time, I still followed along with my group of friends pretending to like the same things as them, laughing at jokes I didn't really find funny and worst of all, even being mean and bitchy when that wasn't really who I was. 

Why do we conform and why did I? Like I said above, there's many reasons and for me, it was mainly out of confusion and frankly, wanting to survive school which for me wasn't always that great. I didn't really who I was - much as most teenagers don't at the time. I was always very aware of what my interests should be, what my aesthetic should be - so that I could fit it and God forbid, not stand out too much

lifestyle, following your own path, friendship, life,

Beauty Bay

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