

DIY Egg White Peel-Off Mask!

Hey! I don't know about you but I love DIY beauty treatments and I have one I would like to share with you today. It is super easy and very inexpensive. I am going to show you how to make a peel off egg white face mask! This mask helps to whiten your complexion, remove blackheads, tighten the skin and is great for those with oily skin. Let's begin!

So, you will need:
  • A bowl.
  • 1 egg.
  • A fork.
  • A few squares of tissue.

Firstly, get your bowl and your egg and then seperate the yolk from the egg whites. Let the egg whites fall into your bowl and throw the rest of your egg away.

Once you have done this, give your egg whites a good whisk until frothy. Now, take your squares of tissue and rip them into smaller strips.

After that, dip your paper strips into the egg yolk, shake off the excess yolk and apply them evenly around your face.

Let the strips dry on your face, this should take around 10-15 minutes. Then, slowly and gently pull the strips off of your face in a downward motion.

Wash your face with lukewarm water and then apply a mild, light moisturizer. And you are done!

Have fun trying this out and let me know how you get on, thanks for reading! 

Levinia x


  1. I tried this before, I'd say it worked pretty well but I applied too much egg white so it all got very messy haha. But it's quite good!xx


    1. Haha yeah it can be a little bit messy :') xx

  2. I have never seen this before. Will deffo be trying it. :)

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, check out more information here - MELISSA LOVES THIS

    1. Let me know how it goes! And i shall check it out now lovely x

  3. I never would have thought of this, what a creative and smart idea.


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