

The Netflix Tag.

Hey guys! I'm doing something a little bit different today on the blog by doing what I think may be my first ever TAG post! How exciting! Anyway, this is called the Netflix Tag - I first found it on the blog wanderlustdaydreaming.blogspot.com and I thought it seemed pretty appropriate for a TV show and movie junkie like me.

What are your favourite series' to watch on Netflix?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (classic!!), Orange is the New Black and American Horror Story have been my favourites so far! 

What are you currently watching on Netflix?
Currently, I've started watching Breaking Bad - I've heard SO much about it and have been wanting to give it a watch for a while so that's what I'm doing. So far, loving it!

If you could have any series, old or new put on Netflix, what would it be?
Probably Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead as they are one of my favourite series' of all time!

What is your only peeve about Netflix?
It would have to be licensing to be honest, the American Netflix has a lot more variation that we just don't have on the UK version!

What are your essentials for a perfect night in with Netflix?
A cup of tea is always a necessity for me!

Recommend one series or film for someone else.
For me, it would have to be Buffy. It's just a classic and I absolutely love it. There's action, vampires, magic and demons - what's not too love? It takes me back to my childhood and will forever be one of my favourites.

Name a series on Netflix you keep meaning to watch but haven't yet.
Sons of Anarchy and House of Cards are some series' i'm thinking of starting soon but haven't gotten round to yet!

Did you discover anything awesome because of Netflix?
Orange is The New Black - I'd heard loads about it and didn't expect to like it but actually, I really did and I'm excited for more! 

I tag everyone to do this tag! Let me know what shows you're loving!

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